fwd: Festival Module for Speakup]
Gregory Nowak
greg at romuald.net.eu.org
Tue Apr 15 14:52:42 MST 2003
Hi all.
The url for one of the speakup/festival projects is:
. This is the project that people seem to have gotten to work.
The message below is from the author of the other project, which it seems nobody can get working.
I am including the message below, since it has instructions for how to get this to work in English.
The instructions on the main page are in Italian only.
----- Forwarded message from Matteo Fasanella <mfasanella at deis.unibo.it> -----
From: Matteo Fasanella <mfasanella at deis.unibo.it>
To: speakup at braille.uwo.ca
Subject: Festival Module for Speakup
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:56:27 +0100
Hi, I wrote a Festival Module for Speakup.
It is part of a project called Linux 4D (linux for disabled), I'm
working on, with an Italian Association for disabled people.
The code is here:
The Homepage of Linux 4D Project is: http://weblab.deis.unibo.it/Linux4D
There are also some instruction on how to install it
(http://weblab.deis.unibo.it/Linux4D/docs/spkup-fest.html), but are only
in italian.
To install the module, you have to untar the package and copy in a
directory; then "cd" there and you'll find a "usr" directory.
Copy all the files present in "usr" subdirectory, in the corresponding
"/usr" subdirectory.
Then reconfig the kernel (with "make config" o "make menuconfig") and
activate the Festival Module, and you can choose "fest" as default synth.
Them go back in the package directory and do "make" to compile the user
part of the module ("middleware").
After then, you can reboot the machine, load the festival demon and load
the "middleware" program.
If everythings went well, you'll hear your system speaking...
Happy working... :-)
Matteo Fasanella
Speakup mailing list
Speakup at braille.uwo.ca
----- End forwarded message -----
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