Various Programs Page

Hello, and welcome to my programs page. These are programs which I have written, or modified, and which I have found useful for one reason or another. Some programs are freeware, while others are offered with source code under the GNU General Public License.

BNS BASIC Programs

These are BASIC programs written for the Braille 'N Speak and other note takers for the blind made by Freedom Scientific. To run these programs, you will need to download the run.bns program in zipped format provided here as a courtesy download (16K). These programs have been tested by me on a bns 640 and a bns 2000. Please contact me with your results running these programs on other models.

File Comparison Program

Line Length Calculator

Perimeter calculator

Random choice

Upper To Lower Case Converter

Volume Calculator

Set voice defaults

GNU/Linux Programs and Scripts

valid user checking program for use with qmail and magic-smtpd A script for starting/stopping a user-mode linux guest when the host system boots, or reboots/shutsdown.

Cross-platform (GNU/Linux and Ms-windows)

heat index calculator


This page will be expanded as I find the time and inspiration to write more programs, so please stop back often.

Go back to my home page.

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Last updated on 9 March, 2009.